Project Management: Setting Up Your Agile Workflow with Qamodo

To manage a project successfully requires skill in three areas: preparation, execution, and monitoring. If a project is handled well, it can boost productivity, cut costs, and please clients. The Agile technique is a way of managing projects that prioritises teamwork, adaptability, and constant development. Qamodo is an effective method for introducing Agile processes into project management. We’ll dive into Qamodo’s Agile workflow configuration options here so you can get your own Agile process up and running.

Identifying the boundaries of your project

Identifying the scope of a project is the first step in getting started. This include doing things like deciding what needs to be accomplished and when, and developing a plan for doing those things. To make sure everyone is on the same page, the project scope must be laid out in detail.

In Qamodo, select the “New Project” option to initiate a new endeavour. There will be fields for entering the project’s title, description, and start/end dates. You may make it easier to manage your project by setting up phases, goals, and tasks.

Find the people who will be working on your project

The second action in establishing an Agile workflow in Qamodo is deciding who will be working on the project. Everyone who will have any kind of hand in the project, including developers, designers, testers, and stakeholders, should be represented on the project team.

Qamodo’s “Invite Team Members” option allows you to recruit collaborators for your current endeavour. Those who would like to join the team need only provide their email addresses. Each team member will receive an invitation email from Qamodo, and then they may sign up for an account and begin working on the project.

Create a Backlog

With Qamodo, the third stage in setting up an Agile workflow is to make a backlog. Your project’s backlog is a collection of all the things that require fixing or adding to it. There can be changes made to the backlog at any time during the project.

You can start a new backlog in Qamodo by selecting the “New Backlog” option. The system will then ask for the name, description, and priority of the backlog. You can add new tasks to the queue by selecting the “New Item” option. Assign tasks to team members, specify due dates, and leave notes on each item.

Order Your Backlog

In Qamodo, the fourth stage in building up an Agile process is to establish a priority order for your backlog. When you prioritise your to-do list, you can get the most pressing tasks done first. As an added bonus, this method guarantees that your stakeholders are receiving value.

You can use the drag and drop functionality in Qamodo to arrange your backlog in priority order. Priority can be shown by where in the list an item is placed. Filtering allows you to organise tasks according to specific criteria, such as due date, assignee, or priority.

Map Out Your Sprint

Planning your sprint is the fifth stage in implementing an Agile process in Qamodo. During a sprint, the team focuses on completing a specific number of tasks from the backlog in a condensed amount of time. Planning for a sprint allows you to set reasonable goals for the time period.

You can create a sprint backlog in Qamodo and use it to organise your sprint’s tasks. During the sprint, the team will focus on the items in the sprint backlog, which is a subset of the full backlog. Choose items from the master backlog and drag them into the sprint backlog to establish a sprint backlog. A team member can be given responsibility for each task, and due dates can be established.

Run Your Sprint

Qamodo’s sprint execution is the sixth step in putting up an Agile workflow. Items in the sprint backlog are what the team focuses on throughout the sprint. The team’s ability to work together and communicate effectively will determine how well the sprint goes.

Qamodo’s burndown chart feature allows you to monitor the development of your sprint. The burndown chart plots the remaining amount of work against time, illustrating the sprint’s progress. A burndown chart can be used to track the team’s progress and make course corrections as needed.

Reflect and Evaluate

Qamodo’s review and retrospective process is the seventh step in establishing an Agile workflow. The team’s efforts should be evaluated and showcased to the stakeholders at the end of the sprint. The team should analyse the sprint’s results and determine what went well and what may be enhanced.

By utilising Qamodo’s in-built communication features, you can efficiently complete a sprint review and retrospective. To show off your finished work to your team and other interested parties, set up a virtual meeting room. The comments section is also useful for soliciting critique and suggestions.

Qamodo’s iteration is the eighth and final step in setting up your Agile workflow. Because of the iterative nature of the Agile methodology, iterations are performed repeatedly until the project is finished. Every each iteration improves upon the last one in terms of what was learned.

If you want to iterate in Qamodo, just follow the same procedure for each sprint. The burndown chart can be used to establish new backlogs, organise new sprints, and monitor current progress. The analytics function can also be used to track the progress of your team and spot problem areas.


To sum up, Qamodo is an effective method for establishing an Agile process. You can establish your project’s scope, find your project team, make your backlog, prioritise your backlog, plan your sprint, carry out your sprint, review and reflect, and iterate by following the aforementioned procedures. Qamodo’s intuitive UI and built-in collaboration features make Agile project management available to organisations of any size, in any location. Qamodo can help your business run more smoothly, save money, and please your customers.